Tuesday, October 17, 2006


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Siempre soñé con ser una princesa... Desde pequeña siempre preguntaba si parecía una princesita en vez de preguntar si estaba guapa y recuerdo que bajaba las escaleras acariciando la barandilla como tantas veces le había visto hacer a la Cenicienta... Supongo que Dysney tubo mucha culpa... Cómo me gustaba la feminidad que rebosaban las princesas, esos vestidos ajustados en colores pasteles, las melenas largas, los caballos blancos y esas haditas tan pequeñitas que siempre estaban ahí para echarles una mano... Quién tuviera un hadita... y los príncipes azules... eran los hombres perfectos: guapos, caballerosos, valientes, románticos... y madre mía como tendrían que besar para despertar a las princesas después de años de sueño... Yo nunca he querido un castillo, ni doncellas, ni siquiera ese caballo blanco... pero siempre he soñado con ese prícipe azul con el que viviéramos felices comiendo perdices... Sí, digo siempre, todavía hoy sueño con encontrar ese príncipe azul que recorra una ciudad entera para devolverme un zapatito de cristal... sé que existe y que en algún rincon del mundo está esperando a una princesita para despertarla con un beso dulce y profundo... sé que existe... aunque hasta ahora sólo haya besado a ranas, sapos y algún qu otro renacuajo...

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The dictionary describes "Love" as ... "a warm and tender liking;  deep feeling
of fondness and friendship;  great affection or devotion."

My description of "Love" is that it's the most important and fulfilling
emotion that we will ever feel.  It is the strongest feeling known. 
It is something that can produce results as if by "Magic," because
it works in many different ways that are so wondrous and strange.
Love is the one thing that the world could really use much more of. 
It's the ONLY known thing that can abolish hate.  If we could ALL
learn to truly "love" and open up our hearts, we could all be capable
of learning so many of the other important things in life that really
matter and the world would then become a place of peace.
Love can make us gentle, patient, caring, humble, appreciative, considerate,
understanding, generous and kind.  Love is what keeps us from being
hateful, unkind, envious, boastful, proud, vain, and rude. 
It helps us to not insist on having our own way all the time,
and it helps us to not be irritable, resentful, or malicious.
Love helps us judge with our hearts and not with our minds. 
It is sympathetic toward others, is not prejudicial or judgmental,
and it gives us the strength to forgive others.  If we let love enter our hearts,
we can see more of the good in others and do not see as many faults. 
All the things that seemed wrong to us begin to look right again
when we look at it through the softness of love's gentle light.
There is nothing in life that love cannot change.  When we feel love,
our hearts feel much lighter.  It lets us feel tenderness and warmth and it gives
us a sense of "wholeness" that avoids loneliness.  It helps us bear hardships
without complaint, and it endures suffering with a smile. 
It can change the darkness into day and make things so much brighter for us.
Love is like a beautiful song that helps to soothe us
when everything is going wrong.  It makes everything seem so satisfying. 
It is a reason to want to keep growing and wanting to make
ourselves become better.  It gives us a goal to work for as it is the only thing
that can bring us true joy and peace within ourselves. 
Love can give us a reason for living and something to live for.

Love is the source of life!

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